A member of staff from Look Ahead's Domestic Abuse services.
It is sad but true that stalking affects 1.5 million people in the UK every year. It can happen to anyone.
Stalking is a pattern of fixated and obsessive behaviour which is repeated, persistent, intrusive and causes alarm, distress, and fear in the victim. Worse still, it can sometimes put the victim at risk of serious harm.
It goes on both offline and online. Stalking can take many forms, from sending unwanted and/or abusive messages, to damaging property and tracking your location, or even adding spyware to your phone. You may find that your passwords change or no longer work, or that fake profiles are created in your name this could be stalking too.
One in five women, and one in ten men are stalked in their lifetime. Over half of stalking cases are also linked to wider domestic abuse.
If you or someone you know is being stalked, help is available.
In the Kent area, Look Ahead is part of KIDAS (Kent Integrated Domestic Abuse Service), please contact KIDAS on the below numbers or visit: domesticabuseservices.org.uk
Kent: 0808 16 89 111
Medway: 0800 917 9948
If you live in Kent and are concerned that you are being cyberstalked, you can also get support at Kent Cyberstalking Clinic
If you live outside of Kent and the Medway, please contact the National Stalking Helpline: 0808 802 0300