Look Ahead are delighted to announce that we have published the 2024 Customer Annual Report special edition of our customer newsletter Heads-Up.
This year the report was co-produced with experts by experience who have lived in Look Ahead’s services and sit as members of our Customer Incidents Panel.
This panel meets regularly throughout the year and reviews safeguarding incidents to learn lessons and identify common themes. The group then discusses these and reports findings and suggested actions to Look Ahead’s board.
This year, Look Ahead’s communications and co-production teams consulted the panel on their preferences around:
- The textual and image content.
- The formatting of the report.
- How to make the report more accessible.
As part of the co-production process, the panel decided that the main subject of this year’s report would focus on safeguarding, including how to identify safeguarding concerns, from various forms of abuse, to neglect, as well as what to do when these arise and how to keep safe.
In terms of formatting and accessibility, the panel also asked for a more accessible, easy read version of the report for customers who have a learning disability and/or autism. As a result, we also co-developed an accessible version of the report.
In addition to safeguarding as the main feature, we also reported back Look Ahead’s performance in relation to new Tenant Satisfaction Measures introduced by the regulator.
We are pleased to share that over 75% of our customers:
- Thought Look Ahead is a satisfactory landlord overall (5%).
- Were satisfied with how Look Ahead carries out repairs (77.4%).
- Were satisfied that their home is well maintained (77.4%).
- Thought Look Ahead keeps communal areas clean and tidy (78.1%).
- Were satisfied that Look Ahead keeps them informed about things that matter (76.6%).
- Were satisfied with how Look Ahead approaches anti-social behaviour (75.8%).
- Are satisfied that their home is safe (80%).
- Agreed that Look Ahead treats tenants fairly and with respect (82.1%).