Look Ahead launches pioneering male domestic abuse recovery programme

Published: 5th February 2025
Look Ahead has launched Go Ahead, a new domestic abuse recovery programme for men, developed by our own staff.
A male Look Ahead customer speaking to his support worker.

Look Ahead has launched a brand-new domestic abuse recovery programme for men. The programme, called Go Ahead, is produced and facilitated by Look Ahead staff with lived experience of domestic abuse at our Kent-based Male Independent Domestic Abuse Advocacy Service (MIDAAS).

Our MIDAAS service was established in June 2024, and provides specialist support to men experiencing domestic abuse of all kinds across Kent and Medway. The service has already supported some 90 males across the region, aged between 18 and 84.

The Go Ahead programme is a new innovation at the service and is pioneering because such programmes are uncommon for male domestic abuse survivors, but more widely available for women.

The six-week online recovery programme is designed to help men understand experiences of abuse and build confidence and resilience for future healthy relationships.

The focus on relationships was important, as Karrie Whitlock, a team leader at MIDAAS, who headed up the development of the programme explains, “men tend to report that they are fearful of getting into new relationships following abusive ones. The course helps empower men to set healthy boundaries for future relationships.”

The sessions address myths and misconceptions around male victim domestic abuse too and helps to validate the experiences of the clients we support.

Promoting mental health, wellbeing and self-care also features heavily in the programme, as developers recognised that male domestic abuse survivors can often have mental health support needs connected to their experience.

Go Ahead does this in part by providing a safe space for men to move forward in their recovery with the support of a network of peers. This decreases isolation and feelings of shame or guilt.

There is also a workbook written by a specialist staff member for participants to use alongside the sessions and record their thoughts, insights, and complete short activities provided, all of which they can keep to reflect on and use in the future.

Customers are already participating in the programme, which we look forward to seeing as a regular fixture at the service.

Look Ahead’s Head of Service and Domestic Abuse Matrix Lead Marika Lucisano said:

“It is fantastic to see this new programme go live. The work is ground-breaking as there are no big male-specific recovery programmes like there are for women. In fact, Go Ahead is unique to Look Ahead because it was developed by our staff who have lived experience themselves.”

To find out more about MIDAAS, get support from the service or make a referral, call 0333 010 4660 or click here.