Domestic Abuse services celebrate a year of success

Published: 12th December 2024
Look Ahead’s specialist domestic abuse services joined together with key local partners and stakeholders for a conference celebrating their impact over 2024.
A Look Ahead Domestic Abuse specialist staff member presenting at the domestic abuse conference in front of a powerpoint.

Staff, customers and partners of Look Ahead’s London and Kent and Medway Domestic Abuse services have marked another successful year with a conference.

There was plenty to celebrate, including the opening of new services, continued successful delivery of existing ones, and the deepening of community partnerships. The conference had a jam-packed agenda, from presentations covering key achievements and best practice learnings, to speeches, and even a video screening of Lady in Red, a ground-breaking play themed around coercive control produced by the Certain Curtain Theatre Company.

Key highlights from the day included:

  • Recognising our growing staff team of 32 domestic abuse specialists.
  • Celebrating the opening of Look Ahead’s new services, including our London Domestic Abuse Advice Service (DAAS) and Kent and Medway Men’s Independent Domestic Abuse Advice Service (MIDAAS).
  • Testimonies and stories from domestic abuse survivors, both female and male, shared by the individuals themselves or their family members.
  • A speech from DI Matt Burdekin from Kent Police showcasing our close partnership.
  • Hearing about how our London services have built partnerships with community organisations including local churches and mosques.

Lorraine Lawson, Look Ahead’s Head of Service and Domestic Abuse Matrix Lead:

“It was fantastic to see Look Ahead’s domestic abuse services from Kent and London come together at our conference to celebrate another year of supporting people and families who have faced some of the most difficult circumstances to move forward positively. We not only marked the ongoing excellent work of our longstanding refuges and Independent Domestic Violence Advice (IDVA) services, but also the opening of new services like London DAAS and MIDAAS. I am confident that all our services will continue to have a powerful impact throughout 2025, and beyond.”