Secret Santa campaign makes Christmas brighter for Look Ahead customers

Published: 15th January 2024
Donations from individuals and partners help fund Christmas presents and celebrations for hundreds of people in Look Ahead services

Every year, Look Ahead’s Secret Santa fundraising campaign provides a better, brighter Christmas for the individuals living in our services.

Without the support of the campaign, people may struggle to have the things most of us take for granted during the festive season, such as a hot Christmas dinner, warm clothes and presents for children.

Thanks to the generosity of individuals and corporate partners we surpassed our 2023 target, raising over £17,000. Every pound received went to the children, families and adults in our services.

Here is a breakdown of how donations made a real difference:

114 children aged 17 and under received Christmas presents
84 families living in domestic abuse services received money for presents and festivities
95 services received funds to organise meals and celebrations
206 customers living in our homelessness, mental health and learning disabilities services in Westminster received Christmas vouchers through a grant from London Heritage Quarter

All customers received a Christmas card designed by David, a Look Ahead customer living in one of our homelessness hostels. You can learn more about his story here. 

Service Manager
Look Ahead

The campaign is such a nice gesture. It's made our customers feel 'thought of', particularly those that don't have a familial contact.

We could not achieve this without the support of our corporate partners. Below is a list of donors we’d like to thank for helping us achieve our goal.

1st Stop

AD Construction


Asda Foundation

BPG Architects

Canary Wharf Group


Complete Transport Solutions

Design Culture



Electra Fit Limited

Faithorn Farrell Timms (FFT)

GDS Chartered Surveyors




Jackson Lift Group

London Heritage Quarters

Marr Procurement

More Pepper

Opus Energy, Drax Group

R Plecklelon-Slowl

RGE Limited

Richard Lewisohn

The London City Clean

Vigilant Security


It's nice of Look Ahead to give us something. It makes me feel good, as some people wouldn't get things for Christmas otherwise

Look Ahead build better lives through social care and housing support for thousands of people across London and the South East. As we mark our 50th anniversary this year, the work we do has never been more important.

If you would like to learn how you or your organisation can support Look Ahead throughout 2024, please contact Dipti Rapte at