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Starting with Look Ahead

Welcome to Look Ahead. We provide two types of services.

If you live in a Look Ahead house and have support, this is called accommodation-based support. 

You can find out more about accommodation based support in our accommodation-based support easy read.

If staff visit you in your home, this is called floating support.

You can find out more about floating support in our floating support easy read.

Whatever type of support you get, we want you to be safe and happy.

We will ask you questions. This is called a risk assessment.

This is very important.

You will have a Support Worker.

Support means working together to help you.

Your Support Worker will work with you to achieve your goals.

Support is different for different people. Support is always about helping people to be independent.

Sometimes support is going to new places.

Sometimes support is helping with shopping and cooking.

You and your Support Worker will write a support plan.

Your support plan says what you want to do.

Your support plan says how you are going to do things.

Your support plan is important.

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