Your feedback is important to us, and here at Look Ahead we want to know what you think about the housing and services we provide – what we are doing well and what we could do better?
Please note that survey is for Look Ahead tenants only– please only complete this survey if Look Ahead is your landlord.
This survey forms part of the Tenant Satisfaction Measures put in place by the Regulator of Social Housing to:
· Enable tenants to scrutinise their landlord and hold them to account
· Give Landlords insights on where they might look to improve services
· Allow the Regulator of Social Housing to see whether Landlords are meeting required regulatory standards.
Should you require further support completing the survey or have any general questions, you can contact our Customer Contact Centre team on 0333 010 4600 who will be happy to assist you.
All returned surveys will be entered into a prize draw, and we will pick 10 winners who will receive £50 worth of gift vouchers each.
We will follow up with any concerns raised within the survey via our policies and procedures. We will share the results in a special edition of our customer magazine, Heads Up, as well as on our website and with the Regulator of Social Housing.
Thank you for taking the time to give us your feedback!
The closing date for this survey is 31st January 2025.